Students / Families
WIHI's & WIMA's Most Requested Forms:
- Student Guide & Code of Conduct
- Change of Address Form
- WIHI & WIMA Extended Absence Form
- Guest Permission Form
- Request for a Restorative
- WIMAHI Complaints Procedure
- WIMA/WIHI Fundraiser Request Form
- WIHI Supply Lists
- WIMA Supply List
- Medication Form
- Schedule Change Request Form
- Parking Pass Registrations
- Carpool Survey
- 2024-2025 WIHI/WIMA Emergency Drill Dates
Student Work Permits
Work Permit for Students Under 16yrs of age - Please make sure to print this on PINK paper
Work Permit for Students 16 & 17 yrs of age - Please make sure to print this on YELLOW paper
Helpful Instructions for Completing and Issuing Work Permits:
- The Minor obtains the pink CA-6 or yellow CA- 7 from the Issuing Officer of the school district and completes Section I.
- The Minor takes the pink CA-6 form or yellow CA- 7 to the person (Employer) proposing to employ the minor who completes Section II.
- The Employer gives the pink CA-6 or yellow CA- 7 back to the minor to return to the Issuing Officer who verifies the age of minor using the best available evidence (reference 409.105 of Public Act 90 of 1978) and ensures compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
- The Work Permit is issued by the Issuing Officer who sign and date the form in Section III.
- The Issuing Officer makes a copy of the pink CA-6 or yellow CA- 7 and place in minor’s permanent school file and gives original to the Minor to return to the Employer.
- The Minor returns the completed original pink CA-6 or yellow CA- 7 work permit, front and back, to the Employer before beginning work. The failure or refusal to issue a work permit by the school may be appealed by the minor in accordance with Public Act 306 of 1969.